About Us

The History Of The Bu'Sen.

The Anglo Japanese Ju-jutsu and Martial Arts Association was started in 1901 by Sadakazu Uyenishi. He was a Japanese master who was invited to England to join Yukio Otani who had arrived the previous year at the invite of Mr Barton Wright, who himself spent some time in Japan studying Ju-Jutsu. Both men toured the music halls taking on all comer’s in five minute matches for fifty pounds, a huge sum of money at that time. Mr Uyenishi never lost a bout! He opened his own Dojo (training way hall) in 31 Golden Square, London after both he and Yukio Otani left Mr Barton Wright, in 1902. Thus the Anglo Japanese is the oldest Judo and Martial Arts Association in the UK.

As a matter of interest Mr Uyenishi (known as Raku) had a training partner Mr Omo Maeda who after a short time in the UK embarked for Brazil where he started the Gracie School. Mr Uyenishi started teaching our armed forces, the Army at Aldershot and the Navy in Portsmouth. He returned to Japan after marrying here, in 1908 and the Anglo Japanese was continued by William Garrad his most senior pupil.

Mr Mishiku arrived soon after in 1909 where upon he took over. Mr Mishiku was a master of Judo, Ju-jutsu and Kendo and employed various Japanese masters at the new dojo in Strathmore Gardens, London. There are some stories saying the Anglo Japanese was set up in 1929 by Cawkell (a black belt with Yukio Otani and Mikonosuke Kawaiashi) it was in fact incorporated as a limited company and was still run up until and during that time by Mr Mishiku.

Shihan Frank T Perry (Chief Instructor)

Frank Perry is 8th Dan (Hanshi) and holds Dan grade levels in Judo, Aikido, Kendo, Kobudo and Jujutsu. As a Karate Master, he runs the largest full-time Karate dojo in England and his school, the United Kingdom Seiki-Juku Karate Organisation, has thousands of registered students.

Frank Perry worked originally with the first Japanese Budo and Karate Exponents who came to Britain. From the former, he acquired what is now a rare knowledge of the Bushido Spirit (the martial way of the classical warrior) and this remains something he wishes to see fostered today in all Martial Arts.

As a competitor, Frank Perry has fought at national and international level and his students have won numerous honours. He has devoted much time and energy to the establishment of Karate as a fast-growing sport with behind-the-scenes work on the English Karate Council (the former governing body), of which he became Vice-Chairman in 1988. He was also Chairman of the English Karate Council Technical and Coaching Committees and the English representative to the British Karate Federation. Other appointments include that of Chief Instructor of the United Kingdom Seiki-Juku Karate Organisation and also of the Koku Sai-Budo-Shingi Kai.


Frank Perry has presented Martial Art techniques for television and was the subject of the first ever documentary Karate film distributed nationwide in cinemas. This film demonstrated, among other Karate techniques, the build-up to his successful breaking of a stack of nine huge ice blocks with a single hand strike in a display of tameshiwari never seen on screen before.

“ In 1957, when I was only four years old, my elder brother took me along to see what went on at our local Martial Arts school where Sensei Kaoru Mishiku taught Judo, Ken-jutsu and Ju-jutsu. At first, my brother and other students regarded me as no more than their ‘mascot’, but what had started out as a joke soon became quite a serious business. For, despite my age, I established an almost immediate rapport and understanding with the sensei (teacher). I was accepted by him as a regular pupil and continued to study with him during the many years that followed.

Sensei Kaoru Mishiku was Japanese and of true Samurai stock. He had come to London from Japan in 1909 and he remained until his death. Around the early sixties, the first of the Karate Masters from Japan arrived in London, some at the invitation of Sensei Kaoru Mishiku. So, at the age of fourteen, I found myself taking up Karate as a natural follow-on to the other disciplines I had studied, and continue to study today.

In fact, my whole life has been centred around and consumed by the study of Martial Arts and of Karate in particular. I can only assume that having taken up Martial Arts at such a tender age explains why I now regarded doing Karate and enjoying Karate as a normal way of life. Karate has taken me all round the world as a Martial Arts student, instructor, coach, competitor and simply as one in pursuit of personal knowledge about Karate and its roots. The physical and spiritual rewards have been limitless and have enjoyed the meeting and exchange of respects with many great people. ”

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